Creating Places Where People Thrive: IMK Architects’ Approach To Urban Design And Master-Planning

Date: 17 July 2024.

Architecture and design always exist within a larger urban, social, and ecological milieu. As practitioners and master planning architects in India,we must be conscious of this context and respond to it beyond just the tectonic or aesthetic structuring of spaces and elements. Within large-scale master-planning and housing projects, understanding the intricate relationship between humans and their environment assumes critical relevance.

Contextual Interaction

How does a building or a series of buildings interact with the city? How do they relate to their immediate built or unbuilt surroundings? These are fundamental questions that guide our approach. The aim is to ensure that every structure contributes positively to its urban context, enhancing the overall fabric of the city.

Harnessing Natural Energies

What are the natural energies available and how can they be tapped? This involves an in-depth analysis of the site’s climatic conditions, solar orientation, wind patterns, and other environmental factors. By integrating sustainable practices, we can create energy-efficient buildings that minimise environmental impact and promote a healthy living environment.

Promoting Community Interaction

Can architecture help shape neighbourhoods and promote community interaction? Absolutely! Thoughtfully designed public spaces, communal areas, and recreational facilities can foster a sense of community and belonging. These spaces become the heart of neighbourhoods, encouraging social interaction and communal activities.

Influencing Health and Behavior

Can architecture influence health, behaviour, and patterns of living? The design of living spaces significantly impacts the well-being of residents. Access to natural light, ventilation, greenery, and recreational areas can improve physical and mental health. By creating environments that encourage physical activity and social interaction, we can positively influence lifestyles.

Understanding Human Values

What do people really value? What makes them happy? Understanding the needs and desires of the end-users is paramount. Engaging with communities, conducting surveys, and participatory design processes help us create spaces that truly resonate with the people who inhabit them.

Creating Thriving Spaces

How can we create places where people thrive? This is the ultimate goal of our practice. By integrating contextual sensitivity, sustainable practices, community-focused design, and a deep understanding of human values, we aim to create environments where people can live, work, and play harmoniously. Spaces that not only meet functional needs but also inspire and uplift the human spirit.