Akbar Bashu is the Design Head for Bengaluru at IMK Architects,
Part 3: Building on Trust - Overcoming Challenges and Shaping a Legacy.
Part 2: A Tapestry of Architecture - The Evolving Campus of Sona College.
Part 1: The Genesis of a Partnership and a Masterplan.
The early years of a child's life are a period of immense growth, laying the foundation for their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical well-being.
Urban areas, generally characterised by their dense population and, in many cases, ageing infrastructure, face major housing challenges.
The urban heat island effect occurs when cities experience significantly higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas.
Urban Planning Strategies to Catalyze Liveable, Green, and Inclusive Cityscapes through Collaborative Financing Initiatives.
The re-introduction of the self-redevelopment scheme is a promising avenue to empower citizens and improve the city’s housing landscape.
Nurturing Young Minds Through Thoughtful Design
IMK Architects’ Approach to Campus Design and Masterplanning
With the goal of time and cost optimisation, the modular system approach rises in the playing field for construction techniques.
Strategies for Designing Delightful and Sustainable Open Spaces
Rahul Kadri on how the upcoming Nepean Sea Road revitalization project serves as a model for inclusive city-making.
Due to rapid urbanisation, construction activities have been steadily rising over the past few decades.
"Instead of merely concretising roads, planning authorities, architects, and urban planning experts must come together to design and build better road infrastructure.
"Early detection and proper management of a fire outbreak is the best approach in case of a crisis."
"It is critical to check aspects of the building design that would help ascertain the degree of earthquake resistance."
"Critical service systems such as boilers, elevators, generators and water pumps, are located underground the risk to those systems in a flood is high."
City municipalities and planning bodies must take a step towards implementing policies and investing in the idea of a "15-minute city"
As architects and designers, we must strive to create hospital spaces that are easy to identify and navigate
“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.”
-- Peter Drucker
Flaws in healthcare infrastructure design have come to the fore and it has become imperative to address and resolve them in our healthcare design models
Within the realm of educational design, the understanding of the intricate relationship between students and their environment is significant.
Across the globe, the rate of urbanisation is accelerating today. As our cities and towns become larger and denser, open, green spaces in urban areas are increasingly shrinking
As a democratic tool, participatory budgeting holds the key to addressing the needs and aspirations of a more representative sample of people.
The monsoon downpours and cyclonic storms bring the city to a standstill year after year. Why is it that the city is not equipped to deal with these recurring events?
At IMK Architects, we seek to create an assemblage of experiences, both personal and collective, that resonate with a destination’s aim of being unique and memorable.
“Sustainability” has often been touted as a magic pill in response to climate change, but what does it really mean and can it solve one of the biggest challenges of our times?
The past few years have seen some contentious urban development projects in our country. So what should be the ideal planning process for public projects?
There is an imminent need to re-think our model of educational design and conscientiously adopt one that aids in building a safer community to cultivate learning.
Within large-scale master-planning and housing projects, the understanding of the intricate relationship between man and environment assumes critical relevance.
The larger question remains – what led to the transportation problem being the way it is? The answer to these lies in 3 simple solutions.
We look back at 2020 with positivity and seek to carry forward all our learnings in the future with renewed zeal and determination.
The vision of a slum-free city needs to be viewed through the lens of inclusive development.
While many cities in the West are moving towards being more walk-able, India is still building infrastructure for cars.
The democratic model of self-redevelopment needs to be safeguarded if we are to solve Mumbai’s housing crisis.
University Campuses must be designed using social and sustainable principles. to create a lasting impact on students.
Next Generation Hospitals must employ modern design strategies to improve the standard of healthcare in India.
Need for increase in Investment in India’s Healthcare system.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought to the forefront the shortcomings of metropolises of India
Rahul Kadri in conversation with Rajdeep Sardesai on ‘Mumbai India’s Sinking City?’ India Today, August 06, 2020
Development of better-designed new generation hospitals can help improve the healthcare system in India.