Kandaghat Resort
"Sited amidst the rolling hills of the lesser Himalayas, the destination resort at Kandaghat offers the opportunity to craft spaces within a picturesque setting"
Every space at the Kandaghat resort is crafted to take advantage of the spectacular views the site offers. The focus of our project was to design spaces that create memories - spaces that excite, delight and build connections between families.
The project kick started with the intention to design spaces that create memories – spaces that excite, delight and build connections between families. Every space at the kandaghat resort is crafted to take advantage of the spectacular views the site offers.
With a focus to create an environment where families can re-connect, relax and bond The challenge of this project being it was an existing resort property which needed expansion. There was very little available flat land. The new expansion had to accommodate 128 rooms, with new restaurant and kitchen, and supporting engineering services.
The new resort building was designed facing a beautiful mountain range. With large windows to allow the sunlight to naturally warm up the rooms.
The resort was capped with dormer roof to capture the charectistic of Shimla old world with beautiful boards. The interiors was designed with the local colours of the Himalayan cap to bring in the warmth of the bright colours. The 1 bedroom suite interiors captured the English colonial feel with rich pastel colours.
- Area: 1,50,000 Sqft
- Location: Kandaghat, Shimla
- Status: Ongoing
- Client: Club Mahindra
- Number Of Rooms: 128